Several CPS members recently presented new results at the 2020 Exoplanet Demographics Conference, hosted by the NASA Exoplanets Science Institute (NExScI) and IPAC/Caltech. Though the meeting was remote, the organizers set up virtual platforms that enabled lots of interaction and great discussions on exoplanet science amongst the participants – they did a fantastic job!
Jerry Xuan presented a poster on his work investigating the dynamics of the π Men system, “Evidence for a High Mutual Inclination Between the Cold Jupiter and Transiting Super Earth Orbiting π Men”, which can be viewed here. Lauren Weiss gave a talk on the “Demographics of Multi-Planet Systems” which can be viewed during the recording of Wednesday’s session:
And finally, Aida Behmard and Fei Dai gave talks during the Thursday session (they’re right next to each other), “How Common is Planet Engulfment?” and “The California-Kepler Survey: Revisiting the Minimum-Mass Extrasolar Nebula with Precise Stellar Parameters”, respectively:
The organizers also set up an amazing science communication collaboration with writers and artists – a collection of micro-fiction stories, poetry, and art inspired by the abstracts presented at the conference, titled “Heavy Metal Jupiters and Other Places” (edited by Heather Clitheroe and Jessie Christiansen)! Each day of the conference has its own collection – Here they are for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (with the first short story, “Little Rituals”, inspired by Aida’s work on planet engulfment!), and Friday. Happy reading, and looking forward to Exoplanet Demographics 2021!